Thursday, May 28, 2015


Here I sit, wading through an editing job on my next book. Trying to get all the sentences and paragraphs into the right structure and the story flowing in the right order is mind numbing work! And, after just an hour or two, the whole page becomes a giant white blur with little black ants crawling around, making up things that you are sure were not there before! 

This is another of the books that I wrote long ago, and then tucked away, not sure what to do with it.  But, now, with a few of Steve Alcorn's excellent writing courses under my belt, I do know what to do with it, and am able to get it market ready.  Hopefully, you will find it as enjoyable as I do, when I am finished.

The problem is, I am also working on a new course with Mr. Alcorn as instructor, and as a result, have begun a new work that I am anxious to get busy with.  But, being that I have become more and more OCD as I age, I can't just stop on the one I am in the middle of and start a new one, without finishing the first one ... so I plug away, the whole time thinking of a dozen other things I ought to do as well, not just writing! I must constantly remind myself to take 'one thing at a time' and 'finish what I start' before crashing off to do three others.

I will get through this, and I hope everyone will be pleased with the result.  And, I will get the other things done, in their turn.  Just need to train myself to schedule things better, and maybe write things down so I don't forget what I need to do next! 

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